Thursday, 2 January 2020

2020 and a new start

I am not much into the new year resolution. I always believe that every single hour or minute can be a new start of a new decision or life change. This year is the same. 
Last June, we had been visiting beautiful Asia and it was eye-opening to me: how awful is the status of the oceans and open waters! After that every day I am thinking of how to take one small step to help the environment?
  1. I love clothes but I am now buying much less. 
  2. I have decided to donate my clothes that I don't need anymore to 2nd hand shops instead of throwing them in cloths bins
  3. I separate trashes as much as I can: glasses and papers are now carefully separated
  4. I have several shopping bags that I re-use for grocery shopping
  5. I carpool with my colleagues a few days per week
  6. I make sure my car is fully serviced to avoid extra emission